Distribution Anew

BlackSwan’s EverCore avails to software publishers only the most amazing apps. Distributors can now monetize their install funnel, guaranteeing the highest user experience.
Apply to EverCore

A Framework for Software Publishers

Flow Review

Submit your install flow for approval and review by the EverCore team

Monetize Flow

Get personal emails with compatible offers from EverCore’s app exchange


Recommend great software to your users and scale your business to new heights

Clean Flows, Nothing Else

Upgrading your offer base to EverCore’s app exchange allows you to enhance your distribution to risk-free apps.

AppEsteem certification can also be extended to your own installer, at EverCore’s expense.

The Most Amazing Apps

A full suite of certified, high converting, revenue generating apps guarantees you perennity of revenue and stability.

All apps, beyond being certified, are vetted by BlackSwan to ensure the highest level of user epxerience and profitilibty.